Good News | Our school has won 4 awards in the 8th Outstanding Achievement Award for Scientific Research in Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Education

Publisher:孙靓Publish Date:2020-12-22Views:21

The Ministry of Education recently issued the Decision for the 8th Outstanding Achievement Award for Scientific Research (Humanities and Social Sciences) in Higher Education Institutions (Jiaosheke [2020] No. 4). In accordance with the Incentive Measures for Outstanding Achievement Award for Scientific Research (Humanities and Social Sciences) in Higher Education Institutions, after expert review, public announcement, approval by the Award Committee and the Ministry of Education, the award results were officially released. Southeast University won 2 first prizes, 4 second prizes, 2 third prizes, and 1 youth award, a total of 9 awards. Among them, our school won 4 awards, which were the achievements of 4teachersChen Zhibin, Xu Kangning, Liu Xiaoxing and Du Yunshi.

Achievement List:


Title of Achievement: Conceptual Framework of Government Accounting

Type of Award: Writing

Award Level: Second Prize

Author: Chen Zhibin


Title of Achievement: The Authenticity of China's Economic Growth: A Test Based on Global Night Light Data

Type of Award: Essay

Level: Third Prize

Prize Author: Xu Kangning


Title of Achievement: Liquidity and Financial System Stability: A Study on Transmission Mechanism and Its Monitoring

Type of Award: Writing

Level: Third Prize

Author: Liu Xiaoxing


Title of Achievement: Configuration Perspective and Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): A New Path for Management Research

Type of Award: Essay

Level: Youth Achievement

Author: Du Yunzhou

The Outstanding Achievement Award for Scientific Research (Humanities and Social Sciences) in Higher Education Institutions is the highest achievement award in the social sciences category in China, and the selection is launched twice every 5 years. A total of 1,539 achievements were awarded this year, including 1,241 Book Awards with 152 first prizes, 77 Consulting Service Report Awards with 10 first prizes, 20 Popular Reading Awards, and 201 Youth Achievement Awards.

Source: Li Jianmei, Department of Social Sciences, Southeast University

Translated by: Wang Xuanyu

Reviewed byLuo Jiaoying

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