Tickets to the Global Market: First U.S. Patents and Firm Export in China

Publisher:孙靓Publish Date:2022-04-13Views:86

Speaker: Robin Kaiji Gong (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Commentators: Dong Bin, Gao Yanyan (Southeast University)

Time: 10:00-11:30pm, Beijing Time

Date: April 14th (Thursday), 2022

Tencent Meeting ID: 995-420-108



This paper investigates whether successful first U.S. patent applications affect the export performance of Chinese firms. We manually match Chinese exporting firms with first-time U.S. patent applicants and leverage the quasi-random assignment of patent applications to examiners to identify the causal effect of first U.S. patents on subsequent exporting activities. Firms with successful first U.S. patent applications achieve higher export growth, largely because they retain more product-destination export flows and export more in each continuing product-destination pair. Further investigation suggests that the first U.S. patents serve as signaling devices of product quality and better contractual enforcement that mitigates information frictions in international trade.


About speaker:


Robin Kaiji Gong is an Assistant Professor in Economics at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). Dr. Gong graduated from Stanford University in 2019, with a Ph.D. degree in Economics. His research interest includes international trade, innovation, and entrepreneurship.





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