









东南大学管理科学与工程学科主任,电子商务系主任,江苏省农业物联网感知及系统控制工程研究中心副主任,东南大学智慧旅游与美丽乡村建设研究所所长,东南大学机关事务研究中心主任,International Journal of Production Economics期刊的Editorial Board(编委)等。




[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:疫情常态化下跨区域冻鲜品供应链网络动态均衡优化与熔断机制研究(72171047),2022/01-2025/12,主持


[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:供应中断下基于演化信息驱动的多主体动态应急策略研究(71771053),2018/01-2021/12,主持


[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:供需不确定情形下折损产品供应链动态协调策略研究(71371003),2014/01-2017/12,主持


[4] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:供需双重突变情形下多级供应链二维整合协调模型研究(71001025),2011/01-2013/12,主持


[5] 国家自然科学基金海外联合研究项目:基于互补型供应商重复博弈视角的供应链动态协调策略研究(71628101),2017/01-2018/12,国内负责人


[6] 江苏省社会科学基金项目重点项目:江苏推动文化产业和旅游产业深度融合发展研究(21GLA002), 2021.9.1-2024.8.31,主持


[7] 江苏省重点研发计划(现代农业):基于互联网+”和人工智能的生鲜电商农产品冷链物流系统关键技术研发(BE2018385),2018/07-2021/06,主持


[8] 江苏省文化和旅游科研课题重点项目:文化和旅游IP合理开发与可持续发展研究(20ZD02),2020-082021-08,主持


[9] 教育部新世纪优秀人才,NCET-10-0327,主持


[10] 教育部高等学校博士点基金:基于4PL逆向物流整合的供应链协调控制研究,2008/12-2011/12,主持


[11] 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,2010年,主持


[12] 教育部人文社科基金:基于契约理论的供应链协调研究(06JA630012),2007/01-2009/12,主持






[1]  Yong He, Xuan Zhao, Harish Krishnan, Shibo Jin. Cooperation among suppliers of complementary products in repeated interactions. International Journal of Production Economics, 2022, 252, 108559.

[2]  Shigui Ma, Yong He, Ran Gu. Low-carbon tourism supply chain network optimisation with vertical and horizontal cooperations. International Journal of Production Research, 2022.

[3]  Yong He, Yanan Yu, Zhongyuan Wang, Henry Xu. Equilibrium pricing, advertising, and quality strategies in a platform service supply chain. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 2022, 39(1): 2140031.

[4]  Shigui Ma, Yong He. Investment of green technology in a tourism supply chain under competition. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2022.

[5]  Peng He, Yong He, Xiaoying Tang, Shigui Ma, Henry Xu. Channel encroachment and logistics integration strategies in an e-commerce platform service supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, 2022, 244, 108368.

[6]  Shanshan Li, Yong He, Li Zhou. Dynamic sourcing strategies for supply disruptions under consumer stockpiling. Complex & Intelligent Systems, 2021.

[7]  Shanshan Li, Yong He, Melissza Salling. Strategic rationing and freshness keeping of perishable products under transportation disruptions and demand learning. Complex & Intelligent Systems, 2021.

[8]  Yanan Yu, Yong He, Xuan Zhao. Impact of demand information sharing on organic farming adoption: An evolutionary game approach. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 2021, 172, 121001.

[9]  Shigui Ma, Yong He, Ran Gu. Joint service, pricing and advertising strategies with tourists' green tourism experience in a tourism supply chain. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2021, 61, 102563.

[10]Shigui Ma, Yong He*, Ran Gu, Shanshan Li. Sustainable supply chain management considering technology investments and government intervention. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2021, 149, 102290.

[11]Xiaoying Tang, Yong He, Melissza Salling. Optimal pricing and production strategies for two manufacturers with industrial symbiosis. International Journal of Production Economics, 2021, 235, 108084.

[12]Peng He, Yong He, Henry Xu. Product variety and recovery strategies for a manufacturer in a personalised and sustainable consumption era. International Journal of Production Research, 2022, 60(7): 2086-2102.

[13]Yanan Yu, Yong He. Information disclosure decisions in an organic food supply chain under competition. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 292, Article 125976.

[14]Anam Nusrat, Yong He, Adeel Luqman, Abdul Waheed, Amandeep Dhir. Enterprise social media and cyber-slacking: A Kahn’s model perspective. Information & Management, 2021, 58(1), Article 103405.

[15]Shigui Ma, Yong He, Ran Gu. Dynamic generic and brand advertising decisions under supply disruption. International Journal of Production Research, 2021, 59(1): 188-212.

[16]Shanshan Li, Yong He, Stefan Minner. Dynamic compensation and contingent sourcing strategies for supply disruption. International Journal of Production Research, 2021, 59(5): 1511-1533.

[17]Shanshan Li, Yong He. Compensation and information disclosure strategies of a green supply chain under production disruption. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 281, Article 124851.

[18]Yong He, Shanshan Li, Henry Xu, Chunming Shi. An in-depth analysis of contingent sourcing strategy for handling supply disruptions. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2020, 67(1): 201-219.

[19]Hongfu Huang, Yong He, Jing Chen. Cross-market selling channel strategies in an international luxury brand’s supply chain with gray markets. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2020, 144, Article 102157.

[20]Peng He, Yong He, Henry Xu. Buy-online-and-deliver-from-store strategy for a dual-channel supply chain considering retailer’s location advantage. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2020, 144, Article 102127.

[21]Yong He, Hongfu Huang, Dong Li. Inventory and pricing decisions for a dual‑channel supply chain with deteriorating products. Operational Research, 2020, 20(3): 1461-1503.

[22]Hongfu Huang, Xinjie Xing, Yong He, Xiaoyu Gu. Combating greenwashers in emerging markets: A game-theoretical exploration of firms, customers and government regulations. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2020, 140, Article 101976.

[23]Yu Yanan, He Yong, Zhao Xuan, Zhou Li. Certify or not? An analysis of organic food supply chain with competing suppliers. Annals of Operations Research, 2022, 314:645–675.

[24]Peng He, Yong He, Chunming (Victor) Shi, Henry Xu, Li Zhou. Cost-sharing contract design in a low-carbon service supply chain. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2020, 139, Article Number:106160.

[25]Truong Van Nguyen, Jie Zhang, Li Zhou, Meng Meng, Yong He. A data-driven optimization of large-scale dry port location using the hybrid approach of data mining and complex network theory. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2020, 134, Article Number: 101816.

[26]何勇, 张成义, 李姗姗. 基于两阶段鲁棒优化的无人机载机平台调度问题. 系统工程学报, 2020, 35(6): 838-848+864.

[27]Yong He, Peng He, Feifei Xu, Chunming Victor Shi. Sustainable tourism modeling: Pricing decisions and evolutionarily stable strategies for competitive tour operators. Tourism Economics, 2019, 25(5): 779-799.

[28]Peng Zhang, Yong He, Xuan Zhao. “Preorder-online, pickup-in-store” strategy for a dual-channel retailer. Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review, 2019, 122: 27-47.

[29]Peng He, Yong He, Henry Xu, Li Zhou. Online selling mode choice and pricing in an O2O tourism supply chain considering corporate social responsibility. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2019, 38, Article Number: UNSP 100894.

[30]Hongfu Huang, Yong He, Jing Chen. Competitive strategies and quality to counter parallel importation in global market. Omega-International Journal of Management Science, 2019, 86: 173-197.

[31]Peng He, Yong He, Henry Xu. Channel structure and pricing in a dual-channel closed-loop supply chain with government subsidy. International Journal of Production Economics, 2019, 213: 108-123.

[32]Hongfu Huang, Yong He, Dong Li. Pricing and inventory decisions in the food supply chain with production disruption and controllable deterioration. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 180: 280-296.

[33]Peng He, Yong He, Feifei Xu. Evolutionary analysis of sustainable tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 2018, 69: 76-89.

[34]Hongfu Huang, Yong He, Dong Li. Coordination of pricing, inventory, and production reliability decisions in deteriorating product supply chains. International Journal of Production Research, 2018, 56(18): 6201-6224.

[35]Peng Zhang, Yong He, Chunming Shi. Transshipment and coordination in a two-echelon supply chain. RAIRO - Operations Research, 2017, 51:729-747.

[36]Hongfu Huang, Yong He, Dong Li. EPQ for an unreliable production system with endogenous reliability and product deterioration. International Transactions in Operational Research, 2017, 24(4): 839-866.

[37]Peng Zhang, Yong He, Chunming (Victor) Shi. Retailer's channel structure choice: Online channel, offline channel, or dual channels? International Journal of Production Economics, 2017, 191: 37-50.

[38]Shanshan Li, Yong He, Lujie Chen. Dynamic strategies for supply disruptions in production-inventory systems. International Journal of Production Economics, 2017, 194: 88-101.

[39]Yong HeXuan Zhao. Contracts and coordination: Supply chains with uncertain demand and supply. Naval Research Logistics, 2016, 63(4): 305-319.

[40]Yong He, Li Sun. One-machine scheduling problems with deteriorating jobs and position-dependent learning effects under group technology considerations. International Journal of Systems Science, 2015, 46(7):1319-1326.

[41]Yong He, Peng Zhang, Yuliang Yao. Unidirectional transshipment policies in a dual-channel supply chain. Economic Modelling, 2014, 40: 259-268.

[42]黄虹富, 何勇. 受成活率与价格影响的养殖业供应链协调. 系统工程学报, 2013, 28(5): 660-667.

[43]He Yong, Zhao Xuan. Coordination in multi-echelon supply chain under supply and demand uncertainty. International Journal of Production Economics, 2012, 139(1): 106-115.

[44]He Yong, Wang Shouyang. Analysis of production-inventory system for deteriorating items with demand disruption. International Journal of Production Research, 2012, 50(16): 4580-4592.

[45]He Yong, Wang Shou-Yang, Lai KK. An optimal production-inventory model for deteriorating items with multiple-market demand. European Journal of Operational Research, 2010, 203(3): 593-600.

[46]He Yong, He Ju, Zhu Daoli, Zhou Jing. Traffic network equilibrium with capacity constraints and generalized Wardrop. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2010, 11(5): 4248-4253.

[47]He Yong, Zhao Xuan, Zhao LinduHe Ju. Coordinating a supply chain with effort and price dependent stochastic demand. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2009, 33(6): 2777-2790.

[48]何勇,何炬,杨德礼. 需求不确定下的补偿策略理论模型. 管理科学学报,2004, 7(6): 30-36.


  • 招收博士后专业:管理科学与工程

  • 招收博士研究生专业:管理科学与工程

  • 招收硕士研究生专业:管理科学与工程全日制学术学位、物流工程与管理全日制专业学位



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