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[2] Gao Xing, Zhong Weijun. A differential game approach to security investment and information sharing in a competitive environment. IIE Transactions, 2016, 48(6): 511-526.

[3] Gao Xing, Zhong Weijun, Huang Chao. Should sophisticated expectations facilitate reaching equilibrium behavior? Operations Research Letters, 2016, 44(6): 812-817.

[4] Gao Xing, Zhong Weijun, Mei Shue. A differential game approach to information security investment under hackers’ knowledge  dissemination. Operations Research Letters, 2013, 41(5): 421-425.

[5] Gao Xing, Gong Siyu, Wang Ying, Zhang Yanfang. Information security outsourcing in a resource-sharing environment: The impacts of attack modes. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2024, 75(6): 1092-1110.

[6] Gao Xing, Gong Siyu, Wang Ying, Zhang Yanfang. Information sharing and security investment for substitutable firms: A game-theoretic analysis. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2024, 75(4): 799-820.

[7] Gao Xing, Qiu Manting, Wang Ying, Wang Xifan. Information security investment with budget constraint and security information sharing in resource-sharing environments. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2023, 74(6): 1520-1535.

[8] Gao Xing, Zhong Weijun, Mei Shue. A game-theoretic analysis of information sharing and security investment for complementary firms. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2014, 65(11): 1682-1691.

[9] Gao Xing, Zhong Weijun. Information security investment for competitive firms with hacker behavior and security requirements. Annals of Operations Research, 2015, 235(1): 277-300.

[10] Gao Xing. Open source or closed source? A competitive analysis with software security. Decision Analysis, 2020, 17(1): 56-73.

[11] Gao Xing, Zhong Weijun, Mei Shue. Information security investment when hackers disseminate knowledge. Decision Analysis, 2013, 10(4): 352-368.

[12] Gao Xing, Zhong Weijun, Mei Shue. A game-theory approach to configuration of detection software with decision errors. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2013, 119: 35-43.

[13] Gao Xing, Zhong Weijun. Economic incentives in security information sharing: the effects of market structures. Information Technology and Management, 2016, 17(4): 361-377.

[14] Gao Xing, Zhong Weijun, Mei Shue. Security investment and information sharing under an alternative security breach probability function. Information Systems Frontiers, 2015, 17(2): 423-438.

[15] Gao Xing, Zhong Weijun, Mei Shue. Stochastic evolutionary game dynamics and their selection mechanisms. Computational Economics, 2013, 41(2): 233-247.

[16] Gao Xing, Zhong Weijun, Mei Shue. On local stability of Cournot models with simultaneous and sequential decisions. Mathematical Social Sciences, 2012, 63(3): 207-212.

[17] Gao Xing. Competition between proprietary and open source vendors with security concerns. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management2024, 36(3): 592-604.

[18] Gao Xing, Wang Xifan, Zhong Weijun, Wang Ying. R&D Subsidy and output subsidy in a duopoly: the role of technology spillover and R&D budget. Australian Economic Papers, 2023, 62(3): 524-538.

[19] Gao Xing, Wang Ying. Competitive analysis of R&D investment with R&D budget constraint and R&D uncertainty. Managerial and Decision Economics, 2023, 44 (4): 2438-2456.

[20] Gao Xing, Gong Siyu. An economic analysis of information security outsourcing with competitive firms. Managerial and Decision Economics, 2022, 43(7): 2748-2758.

[21] Gao Xing. A competitive analysis of software quality investment with technology diversification and security concern. Electronic Commerce Research, 2023, 23: 2691-2712.

[22] Gao Xing, Qiu Manting, Gong Siyu, Wang Ying, Zhang Yanfang. Information security investment for complementary and substitutable firms: The role of technology similarity. Expert Systems with Applications, 2023, 225: 120129.

[23] Gao Xing, Gong Siyu, Wang Ying, Wang Xifan, Qiu Manting. An economic analysis of information security decisions with mandatory security standards in resource sharing environments. Expert Systems with Applications, 2022, 206: 117894.

[24] Zhang Yanfang, Gao Xing. Does local monopolistic approximation imply a less stable equilibrium? Operations Research Letters, 2018, 46(5): 510-513.

[25] Ding Yi, Gao Xing, Huang Chao, et al. Service competition in an online duopoly market. Omega, 2018, 77: 58-72.

[26] Yang Donghui, Gao Xing. Online retailer recommender systems: a competitive analysis. International Journal of Production Research, 2017, 55(14): 4089- 4109.

[27] Li Xiaolin, Rao Raghunath Sing, Narasimhan Om, Gao Xing. Stay positive or go negative? Memory imperfections and messaging strategy. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2022, 39(4): 1127-1149.

[28] Zhang, Yanfang, Gao, Xing. Stochastic evolutionary selection in heterogeneous populations for asymmetric games. Computational Economics, 2015, 45(3): 501-515.

[29] Cheng Yan, Mei Shue, Zhong Weijun, Gao Xing. Managing consumer privacy risk: The effects of privacy breach insurance. Electronic Commerce Research, 2023, 23(2): 807-841.

[30] Zhong Boyuan, Shen Houcai, Zhang Jianqiang, Gao Xing. Agency or wholesale? retail selling format in the presence of new manufacturer introduction. Electronic Commerce Research, 2023, 23(4): 2291-2325.

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