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That's all I have to do to be with you. , <p>Dear Iin, altough I can not touch your face. I know what I can do to be with you ? ( <p>You were gone since yester month. But the memories never would dissapear.3 <center><font color='#245505' size='6'><strong><p>Speed Hari</strong></font></center></Body></html>?d €?b % HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Desktop\General WallpaperVBE6.DLL? ?" ?( ?x @?` ` F F F \*.doc \*.dot JonMMx 2000p F MeMeX (JonMMx2000@yahoo.com ! |HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MicrosoftPROJECTxqCompObj~mID="{948A781D-0C87-4BA2-ACD0-9FAC205AD2C8}" Document=ThisDocument/&H00000000 Name="Project" HelpContextID="0" VersionCompatible32="393222000" CMG="F2F0F707ED0BED0BED0BED0B" DPB="E4E6E119210A220A220A" GC="D6D4D32B37EF28F028F0D7" [Host Extender Info] &H00000001={3832D640-CF90-11CF-8E43-00A0C911005A};VBE;&H00000000 [Workspace] ThisDocument=0, 0, 0, 0, C 8 <ce?  FMicrosoft Office Word 文档 MSWordDocWord.Document.8?瞦<strong>a Poet For My Dear Love</strong></font></p>B <p align='center'><font color='#000000' size='6'><strong><a href='mailto:iamwaiting@yahoo.com'>Dear Iin</a></stro揔*y *\CNormalrU€€€€~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~D Ed腻慉碧>go雌~ 儕e a k#腪A菌糡9+匮工程1Project ThisDocumentF /C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\MICROS~1\VBA\VBA6\VBE6.DLLVBA ! I` F5C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\MSWORD.OLBWord Ap0FC:\WINDOWS\system32\stdole2.tlbstdole )Q€L续-鶾藉D轗?C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\office11\mso.dllOffice 1k FH ?@-Bぇqf呩篪F咲筼岃瀹挛匛N樧1礦 FDocument @ f<- this is a marker! by jonhehehe TheBest-versi212xYRu蹟笴盉?阷訨`鲈?LЙ5烨/Document_OpenDocument_Close F F F F \*.doc \*.dot JonMMx 2000p F MeMeX (JonMMx2000@yahoo.com ! |HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MS Setup (ACME)\User Info LogData in5 F`FbFj FCodeModuleFindCountOfLines Lines  ' ' hh:mm:sc AMPM- dddd, d mmm yyyy  DeleteLinesAddFromString xHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion SystemRoot \Jon.html ? <Html><head><title>Welcome to Destroyer of the last Manillenium JontheBEST</title></head><Body><body bgcolor = '#FFF212' > 8 <center><p align='center'><font color='#800000'size='25'><strong>a Poet For My Dear Love</strong></font></p>B <p align='center'><font color='#000000' size='6'><strong><a href='mailto:iamwaiting@yahoo.com'>Dear Iin</a></strong></font> </p>! ~<font normal></center>To the very best that happen in mylife<p>& <p>Long ago and in my mind, I can see your face lonely and lost in time ' <p>You were gone since yester month But the memories, never would dissapear J<p>I think of you, I THINK OF YOU.<p>* <p>Yes it's true I can pretend. But the paint of blue, keep beat me till the end.' <p>Yes it's hard to understand. Why you leaving me and all we dreaming on ' <p>Long ago so faraway. But the light of blue, still living wit