报告题目 | When Emotion AI Meets Strategic Users |
报告人(单位) | 谭勇教授(University of Washington) |
主持人(单位) | 张玉林 教授 (东南大学) |
时间及会议ID | 会议时间:2023/06/15 10:00 (GMT+08:00) 中国标准时间-北京 腾讯会议 ID:943-730-141,密码:2023 点击链接入会https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/qdNw5cvT22Fi 特别提醒:参会者要以真名进入,否则可能会被移出会议! |
报告内容摘要 | When organizations adopt artificial intelligence (AI) to recognize individuals’ negative emotions and accordingly match limited resources to them, strategic users are incentivized to game the system by escalating emotional intensities. The economic value of AI may be undermined by gaming behavior, algorithmic noise in emotion detection, and the spillover effect of negative emotions. We develop a game-theoretical model to identify the conditions under which adopting emotion AI is valuable to the organization and design the associated optimal allocation policies. We find that adopting emotion AI is always valuable if the spillover effect of negative emotions is negligible compared to resource misallocation loss, regardless of algorithmic noise and gaming behavior. We also quantify the welfare impacts of emotion AI on individuals, the organization, and society. Notably, we show that a stronger AI is not always socially desirable and regulation on data-driven allocation is needed. Finally, we characterize a broad set of conditions under which adopting emotion AI is more profitable for the organization than hiring employees to recognize emotions and allocate resources. Our work provides implications for designing, adopting, and regulating emotion AI. |
报告人简介: 谭勇教授,美国华盛顿大学福斯特商学院信息和运营管理Michael G. Foster讲席教授和系主任,INFORMS信息系统协会杰出会士,USTC-UW全球商业和金融创新研究所的副主任。研究方向包括众包、信息系统经济学、在线社交网络、移动商务、数字内容分发渠道、信息安全等。在Management Science, Information Systems Research, Operations Research, Management Information Systems Quarterly, Journal of Management Information Systems, Production and Operations Management等国际顶级期刊发表多篇学术论文。曾担任Management Science副主编、Information Systems Research资深编辑。担任2012年INFORMS的分会主席、信息系统和技术会议(CIST 2010)的联合主席、2012年INFORMS信息系统分会的分会主席、国际信息系统会议(ICIS 2013,2021)的联合主席、信息技术和系统研讨会(WITS 2014)的联合主席及INFORMS数据科学研讨会(2019)的联合主席。曾获多项学术和教学奖励,包括Management Science最佳论文奖,信息系统协会最佳论文奖,Lex N. Gamble电子商务研究杰出奖,杰出博导奖等。 |