报告题目 | Commitment Strategies and Inventory Decisions Under Supply Disruption Risk | ||
报告人(单位) | 吴肖乐 (复旦大学) | ||
主持人 | 陈静(东南大学) | ||
时间地点 | 时间:2022年 10月 14 日(周五) 上午10 点 地点:腾讯会议号561-498-166 | ||
报告内容摘要 | Manufacturers' production capacity may be disrupted due to a pandemic outbreak, trade frictions, military conflicts, etc. This paper develops a two-period supply chain model with supply disruption risk in the second period to investigate firms' inventory decisions and the manufacturer's commitment strategies. We consider a manufacturer's three strategies: no commitment (NC), price commitment (PC), and inventory commitment (IC). Under each strategy, we investigate inventory holding between the two firms. Furthermore, comparing the three strategies leads to the manufacturer's optimal strategy. Supply disruption risk drives distinctive results compared to the case without supply risk. First, the retailer may have two opposite motives for inventory holding: inventory-building motive and inventory-shifting motive (i.e., shifting inventory to the manufacturer), where the latter motive cannot exist without supply risk. Strategy PC suppresses both motives and IC suppresses only the inventory-shifting motive. Second, under strategy PC, the retailer never holds inventory. Under strategies NC and IC, the manufacturer's optimal inventory is zero without supply risk, but can be either positive or zero with supply risk; for high holding cost and disruption risk, only the manufacturer holds inventory, whereas for low holding cost and disruption risk, only the retailer holds inventory. Furthermore, the manufacturer's inventory can decrease as supply risk increases. Third, in terms of the choice among the three strategies, the manufacturer (weakly) prefers IC to the other two strategies. However, only for low holding cost and high disruption risk does IC perform strictly better. In this case, the manufacturer should reveal its inventory information to implement strategy IC. PC can perform either better or worse than NC. This is in sharp contrast with the literature without supply risk that shows PC never outperforms NC. | ||
个人简历 吴肖乐,复旦大学管理学院教授、博士生导师。2006年本科毕业于清华大学工业工程系,2011年博士毕业于圣路易斯华盛顿大学奥林商学院。主要研究供应链管理、风险管理、运营和其他领域的交叉问题。其研究工作发表于Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Decision Sciences, Energy Economics, European Journal of Operational Research等期刊。研究工作曾获华人学者管理科学与工程协会最佳论文一等奖,中国管理科学与工程学会供应链与运营管理分会优秀论文一等奖,上海市第十三届哲学社会科学优秀成果二等奖等。2017年获中国管理学青年奖,2020年获国家自然科学基金杰出青年科学基金项目资助。入选上海市巾帼建功标兵(2022)、上海市教育系统三八红旗手(2021)。目前担任期刊《管理科学学报》部门编辑、Production and Operations Management的Senior Editor、Naval Research Logistics和Service Science的Associate Editor,获2016 MSOM Meritorious Service Award。担任2019 POMS Conference FOM Track Chair、中国管理现代化研究会理事、中国管理现代化研究会风险管理专业委员会秘书长等。 |