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学术前沿讲座——Deterrence Theory in Cyber Security: Major Criticisms, Practical Applicability and Future Research Directions



Deterrence Theory in Cyber Security: Major Criticisms, Practical Applicability and Future Research Directions


Mikko Siponen教授(芬兰科学院院士)




时间:2022430日(周六)  下午1500



Deterrence theory (DT) was introduced to mainstream Information systems (IS) security research in mid 1980s by prof. Detmar Straub. Today, DT is one of the most widely studied theory in cyber security (and beyond) in IS. Deterrence is also emphasized by ISO information security management standards. In his talk of Deterrence theory (DT), professor Siponen argues that many fundamental assumptions underlying deterrence theory are not well understood in IS literature. Prof. Siponen maintains that many of these fundamental assumptions of DT, undiscussed in IS, are hard to meet in many cyber security behavior contexts. Theoretically, this results that either (i) DT is unsuitable for many contexts it has been widely applied. Or (ii) DT - as a theory - lacks resources to explain (fully or to some extent) many types of organizational cyber security behaviors. Prof. Siponen also explains what type of cyber security behaviors DT could be most suitable and how DT should be applied in practice. Finally, prof. Siponen outlines some major research directions on DT in cyber security research.


Siponen教授是于韦斯屈莱大学教授、芬兰科学院院士、墨尔本大学名誉教授。他的研究方向为信息安全、网络犯罪、IT使用、软件开发、以及关于信息系统理论的哲学思考。已在MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Journal of Management Information Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, Information & Management等国际顶级信息系统期刊发表80多篇文章。


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